“Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King in his letter from Jail
The long overdue re-evaluation of our legal systems, preservation of due process, presumption of innocence. Simultaneously, we cannot ignore the need for humane conditions inside the prisons, education and actual rehabilitation that validates a return to society as productive citizens.
Besides our core panel – Jeffrey Deskovic – “The Deskovic Foundation for Justice”, Amy Povah – “CAN-DO foundation”, Princess Maria of Philippines – “We Care for Humanity”, Bill Bastuk – “It can happen to you”, we have a fast expanding panel of world renowned forensic technology experts, psychologists, activists, law professors, attorneys former judges, law enforcement officials and exonerees themselves.
This is a unique opportunity for community members, students, and future leader to get involved in this important work regarding civil & human rights, protection of due process, racial bias, law enforcement misconduct, and wrongful conviction, rather than merely complaining about the problems, as we work towards real world solutions
Filming for the Documentary series will be ongoing as we profile the game changers and cases that have significantly impacted a revaluation and progress in our justice system and in turn Catalyzed this movement
As we are move forward with this think tank to find real world Solutions, we are aware of the balance needed in an era where much abuse of power in various fields has been exposed. There is also the harsh reality of the epidemic of false allegations, police misconduct and wrongful convictions.
This documentary series will also cover the International Innovators awards (2019). Which will recognize individuals and entities that have made maximum Proactive impact in various Industries including Justice, Business, Medicine, Literature, Arts & Culture, Technology, Sports, Entertainment, and Public Service.
Our Cameras will follow the delegation at events including but not limited to California to New York to Dubai, India as a starter.
As an inspiring example of local phenomena that has global potential:
California Governor Jerry Brown’s and Lt Governor Gavin Newsom’s dynamic Administration alongside the Department of Corrections passing several bills holding law enforcement accountable (such as California Assembly Bill 1909) for reformation of justice and Human rights, dramatic re-haul of California justice and prison system as an inspiring example of hope, to the whole world.